I've been selling Boom Boom Cards at Giving Gifts - www.givinggifts.ca since I started my online store, 2.5 years ago. I thought Boom Boom Cards were the greatest right when I heard about them and have played a card or two before. I've even used the Teen Deck a few times with classes of Grade 7 students. In December 2012, I attended a Business Building Workshop with Coach Kyle from Action Coach. He bought 40 packs of Boom Boom Cards from me, one for each person who attended his workshop. What a great gift, eh! I attended and got my very own deck of Boom Boom Cards. As soon as I received the package I made the commitment that I would do them in 2013 and blog about them at Giving Gifts. Well, it is almost the end of January and with 26 cards in a deck, I figured I'd better get started!
The first card is a great one to start on. My friend, Yehuda owns a great coffee shop in Vancouver, Room for Cream. Every Sunday morning I go there and a friend buys me my favourite drink, a chai latte. It is has become a tradition that I really look forward to. This morning I decided that today was the day! I brought $5 with me and left it with Yehuda so that I could buy the next customer that came in a drink of their choice. He sent me an email an hour later saying that the next customer was so excited that she bought a drink for the next customer and the customer after that bought a drink for the next customer! Three people bought drinks for the next person in line. There was even enough change left to buy the 5th person that came in a free drink! What a great way to start the day! One Boom Boom Card impacted 6 people this morning and it hasn't even been passed on yet!
I think this may become my new Sunday morning tradition. A chai with a friend that is passed along to create a chain of kindness every week.
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