This blog article is long overdue as I meant to write it a couple weeks ago right when it happened. Well...things don't always go as planned with three young kids :)
One day a couple of weeks ago, three Pods showed up on our street. The neighbours, my husband and yes, even I, complained to anyone that would listen about the lack of parking on the street with the three Pods. We couldn't wait for them to find some other street to take over. Well, it turns out the Pods were full of amazing stuff, all sorts of amazing stuff from a woman's house. She was downsizing and hired Jared and his brother Ryan who run an estate sales business to sell it. This was the world's best garage sale and it was right on my street! An entire Pod was filled with brand new items from the Home Shopping Network that had never been opened. It was so much fun to open the boxes and discover the goodies inside. I was outside just as it was getting light at 6:00am to help organize the sale and open boxes. The best part, Jared and Ryan payed us by letting us take whatever we wanted! Whatever we wanted...good thing I live in a small house or everything in that Pod (and possibly a large portion of the two others) would have been in my house!
We took a break in the middle of the day. To take the kids to beautiful Crescent Beach. It is gorgeous there. I can't believe I've lived in Vancouver for 13 years and I've never been there!
We had lunch on the patio at Thitsa's an amazing Greek Deli co-owned by one of the Youth Group kids I used to work with. (I can't believe Dov is 20 already!) The food was absolutely delicious, our dog Sadie loved hanging out on the porch with her dog friend Samson and eating Thitsa's out of dog treats. We had a hard time not buying all the specialty items stocked on the shelves. I highly recommend a trip to Crescent Beach with a stop for lunch at Thitsa's or pick-up some take-out from Thitsa's and bring it with you to the beach. It is a great way to enjoy the last few weeks of summer.
Thitsa's is lovely - but not quite as fabulous as this first picture (maybe in a few years :) The market is exactly like this picture on the right. Stocked with amazing specialty items - you'll want to buy one of everything to try.
By the time we got back, the garage sale was over. Most things had been bought and what was left was sorted and donated. I collected 20 boxes of unopened skin and hair care products for First United Church and two entire racks full of work-appropriate clothing (most of it brand new) for Dress of Success. Ten bags of more casual clothing were donated as well. It took me until 10:00pm to sort through everything and it was pitch black by the time I was done, but it was worth it. Two car-fulls worth of donated items completed an amazing day. Another bonus, was the empty Pods were picked up and taken away and now parking on our street seems even easier than before!
Lisa Loves! - The Long Days of Summer
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