There is an quote by Albert Einstein that I find inspiring every time I hear it "There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle." I was driving behind a car this morning that had this quote as well as the quote by Margaret Mead “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” I wish I could have jumped out of my car and introduced myself to the driver - we obviously have a lot in common! I loved Margaret Mead so much as a kid, that in University, Anthropology was one half of my double major, Criminology was the other.
Today, I decided would be a day full of miracles and I challenged myself to find at least 10 - so here they are:
1. My kids got out of the house on time! (This is a major miracle as most days involve some serious yelling in the morning to get them out the door. I'm upset at myself and frustrated with them and it is barely past 8am.)
2. We got to school so early - early for us, at least - that we visited the book fair before school and each kid got to pick a book to donate to their class. I loved the looks on their teacher's faces when my kids handed them the book. In both classes, they thought my kids were just showing them a book they had bought for themselves, but when we told them it was a donation for the class they were so pleased. I really am trying to instill the gift of "giving" in my kids. If there is one thing I want them to remember about their family when they are older, it is that it is that we took every opportunity to give.
3. After dropping all three kids off at their respective preschools, I went for a run! It was a great run in the sunshine. I am so thankful for the weather in Vancouver that allows me to run year-round. I have to say, as much as I consider running a miracle, I really do prefer when it is over.
4. While on my run, I saw a random guy with gloves on and a bucket and a claw-thing picking up garbage around the park. People like him are a miracle! I smiled at him and said hi when I passed him. I wish I had stopped and thanked him for cleaning up the park for all of us to enjoy. Often when I think of nice things, it is a few minutes too late. I'll do it next time for sure!
5. My kids ate all their lunch. They ate it all to the point that they were rewarded with a chocolate bar to share for dessert!
6. The groomer actually has space to give my dog a bath and haircut tomorrow! They never have space! Seriously, never. Whenever I call I have to wait a week at least. Sadie looks adorable with long hair but it is growing over her eyes and she is really starting to stink!
7. I spoke with the most helpful school Principal ever today. We've been exploring different options for schools for my son for next year and this school principal from one of our local public schools (that I am not in the area for) spent a lot of time on the phone with me and had some really great advice. I could tell that she cared about what was best for my son and she had never even met him!
8. My allergies are back... While this in itself is definitely not a miracle. Klennex or Puffs or whatever I am currently using certainly is and as my friend Jordana pointed out, this is the first sign of spring!
9. My son was looking at his mini-hockey sticks tonight and he picked up a Calgary Flame stick (he has 4) and said "we should mail this to Sandy because she lives in Calgary and likes the Flames." He then picked up a Maple Leaf Stick (he has 2) and said "we should mail this one to grandma because she lives in Toronto and will like it." He repeated this with 3 or 4 more sticks until he had given half his sticks away. He's a really sweet kid!
10. Quiet time in the evening when all the kids are asleep and I can work on the computer, writing fun blog posts like this and making "Giving Cards" for amazing new products, like the line of gorgeous jewellery made from bombs in Laos and the handwoven bags from Laos that I just got in yesterday. Even better, my husband is playing guitar in the background and the washing machine and dryer are going (those two inventions are definitely miracles!) Doing what I love, listening to the guitar and clean cloths in the morning - to me those are all miracles!
What are your everyday miracles?
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