Why "no" because I am way too busy with Giving Gifts and I've really loved selling select Barefoot Books through Giving Gifts (I carry quite a few at the showroom), but wasn't sure I had the time or energy for the entire line. Turns out, I was so wrong! Selling Barefoot Books directly has been amazing! It is so nice to work with a team of people, rather than on my own through Giving Gifts. There is a whole support network with tones of great advice and ideas and, most importantly, I LOVE Barefoot Books! I didn't realize how much I actually loved them until I saw all of them!
We've always owned quite a few Barefoot Books. The Yoga Cards and Clare Beaton Playtime Rhymes and There's a Cow in the Cabage Patch are favourites in our house. I've always appreciated the care that Barefoot Books puts into the artwork. Their books not only have beautiful stories, but the illustrations are amazing. But I didn't fully appreciate these gorgeous books until I had set-up my display at the teacher's conference and watched the teachers' reactions to the books.
The teachers' loved them! They loved flipping through the books, admiring the artwork and appreciating the stories and the many ways they could use them in class. Most Barefoot Books come with a couple extra "surprise pages or "fact pages" at the back of the book. Like Port Side Pirate which includes stories about famous pirates and treasure maps or Over in the Meadow which features animals that live in meadows. They also loved the idea that lots of them come with animated CDs they could use in the smartboards in their classrooms and they absolutely loved the Yoga Cards! They were the top seller of the day! I came with 16 decks of yoga cards and they were sold out by 11:00am! The teachers' bought books for their classrooms, they bought books for their kids and they bought books for their grandkids! One teacher said that she was sending The Story Tree and Star Seeker to her 6 year old grandson in New Zealand! My favourite reactions of the day, were the teachers that recognized stories from their own childhood that they wanted to share with their students. It was such a fun day seeing the beauty and wonder of Barefoot Books through the eyes of teachers! I am sure their students will see the books in the same way and love them just as much!
I am really excited for my next opportunities to sell Barefoot Books in person (rather than just online)! I'd love to set-up some home parties. I think they will be a really fun night out for moms and a chance for the lucky host to get some books for free! If you live in the Vancouver area and are interested in organizing a home party (it is super simple) be in touch! You can post a comment on this blog post or email me at lisa@givinggifts.ca I would also love to do some Book Sale Fundraisers for schools and/or PACs. I am holding a holiday book sale at my son's school and I am sure it is going to be super successful fundraiser. I'd love to organize more! So, if you'd like to organize a fundraiser at your child's school, preschool or daycare, be in touch.
Of course, I'd love to keep up the book sales(!) but more importantly I'd love to give more parents and kids the opportunity for wonder and amazement through these magical books!
Lisa Loves! Giving Barefoot Books!
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