Last month, I went to a workshop with Felicia Searcy titled Your Ultimate Life Now! Of course, I was drawn to the workshop, who wouldn't want the ultimate life now. Sign me up NOW!
One of the things Felicia said that really stuck with me is that YOU don't choose your dreams, your dreams CHOOSE YOU.
How beautiful is that idea that our dreams choose us, all we need to do is SAY YES to them and step into a life of living our dreams.
I've always been someone that is drawn by the pull of what I love. I rarely listen to reason and the practicalities of every day life are hard for me. I always feel like the "rules for living" that everyone else seems to follow, shouldn't apply to me. And much to the chagrin of my family and friends I usually make decisions based on my emotions and instincts. I sometimes think that I wasn't really made for this world. I am a dreamer through and through.
The world needs dreamers, those people whose eyes sparkle at the thought of something bigger and better that they can create in the world. Felicia quoted Bob Proctor when she said that only 3% of the population is living their dreams. But living our dreams is the greatest gift we can give the world! When we are living our dreams, we are shining our light on everyone and everything we touch. When we are living our dreams, we are adding beauty to the world.
I love the idea that "when you support a small business, you are supporting a dream." and "when you buy from a small business an actual person does a happy dance." They are so true! I smile every time someone chooses to buy a gift from our store. A customer today called our store "dangerous" as she was paying for her gift. I told her that she was wrong. Our store isn't "dangerous", our store is a blessing! It's a chance to bless the lives of so many people who are making a difference in the world through living their dreams.
That woman, through her purchases, helped Laura from Art+Soul Creative Co dream. Laura is one of the happiest, most easy-going and most naturally creative artists I have ever worked with. Her cards are so fun and will make everyone smile. There are real people like Laura behind each and every gift!
At our store, each time you purchase a gift, you are helping someone live a dream and when you gift that gift, you are gifting a piece of that dream. The goal of Giving Gifts is to change the way we give gifts! Let's give gifts with inspiring stories that spread joy and help artists live the life of their dreams! Maybe one day we will all have a big happy dance together! Here's to dreaming!
- Lisa
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