I was just saying on Monday night to a friend that I always feel like I'm standing in the middle of a teeter-totter and that if I step the right way, the teeter-totter will finally tip in my favour. I always feel like I'm on the edge of discovering the secret to success in my business and one day I'll wake up and the answer will be right there waiting for me.
A good friend told me to stop focusing on my business and to start focusing on myself. That advice has made a world of difference. Instead of focusing on the snow storms that took over our city and scared people away from walking down Main Street discovering local stores, I'm focusing on my personal dreams and goals. I'm focusing on being more present in my life and putting the people I love first. I'm focusing on my health and my happiness. I'm focusing on being easy on myself, lowering my expectations and not taking things so hard if they don't work out the way I want them to. I'm focusing on breathing and on taking a step back and observing myself and my reactions and interactions with the world around me.
I'm in the middle of a life changing journey. And, I've been warned that it would be painful, but I wasn't prepared for just how hard change is. I just posted a pin to Pinterest that says "if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." I have been very challenged these past few months but I'm determined to make it through the hard stuff and not just settle for the easy way, as tempting as that is some days. I know that it is all leading to personal growth and I'm thrilled that I'm on a path that I get to guide and direct (most of the time). A path that will eventually lead to independence and empowerment, but right now feels so hard and so heavy. I'm looking forward to reaching the end and discovering the new me - the me that can look back and smile and be proud of how far I've come.
At the beginning of January, I went to The Good Spirt for a tarot card reading. I highly recommend getting your cards read. It is such a fun and meaningful experience. I pulled the Ace of Pentacles as one of my cards. It is a really powerful card that resonates with me because it symbolizes this journey that I am on. I am like a tree with strong roots in my passion and purpose. Each ring within the tree reflects growth from years and experiences, and each one adds to my success. Growth happens slowly, over time, and it is often hard to always see. This card is such a strong visual reminder to keep going even when things seem hard.
Maybe the change I am looking for won't happen overnight like I hope. So far, that seems to be the case. Maybe the change will start with me and then trickle down to my business. I'm working on self-love and through that, I'll shine my love on everyone that comes through the door of Giving Gifts & Company. I'd love every customer to feel joy from my smile and leave the store shinning brighter than when he/she walked in.
My word for 2017 is SHINE! I'm looking forward to shining in everything I do this year and with each new milestone and each new accomplishment, I'll shine a little brighter. This is my year to fight for me and for what I want in life and when this year is over, I will look back and smile, the biggest, most glowing smile ever as it will come from a place of genuine love and gratitude for having taken the journey and for having fallen in love with myself.
Thank you for being part of my journey and Thank You for Giving Gifts!
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