This post was inspired by a challenge from Sandra Yancey, Founder of eWomen Network to write a love letter to our business.
Dear Giving Gifts & Company,
I’d like to express my gratitude to you for bringing me immense joy. You instill in me a sense of pride and love every day. You’ve made my smile a lot brighter and my worry lines a little deeper, but every single day, I fall deeper in love with you.
You started with an idealist spark of creativity that has turned into something far bigger and far closer to my heart than I ever could have imagined. We have been through a lot together - ups and downs, downs and ups - and through it all, you have shown me a glimpse of my strength and determination, as well as my love and passion. You have filled a piece of my heart (and time) that I didn’t know was missing, and I am a far greater person with you in my life.
You have taught me that I am brave enough, strong enough, smart enough and stubborn enough to fight for you every single day in order to ensure that you succeed.
Thank you for changing and growing with me and for standing by my side, especially through the challenges and hard times these past few years. My deepest thank you for being the one place in this world I can always run to for comfort when I feel lost. And, as you know, I’ve done my fair share of running. Thank you for greeting me with ‘open doors’ ready to start a new day, welcome new people, smile at returning customers and change the world, one gift at a time.
I promise to keep loving and investing in you and most of all, to keep fighting for you because you are far too special to me, and everyone else that loves you, to ever give up on. I look forward to a lifetime of watching you grow and flourish. I'm excited to be part of your future where you will continue to shine joy and spread love as I stand humbly in the shadow of your glow.
Forever and always, you will have my love, commitment and dedication,
Lisa Pozin
Founder & Owner, Giving Gifts & Company & Giving Crates
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