Lisa Loves

Feb 06, 2020
Valentine’s Day has always been my favourite holiday. I love that it is a holiday where we are encouraged to be especially conscious to show our love. I know that it can be cheesy and full of overpriced long-stem roses, giant teddy bears, poor quality chocolate in heart shaped boxes and overbooked restaurants, etc. I've seen that side of it and that isn't the Valentine’s Day that I'm thinking of.

Aug 14, 2019
Why Not Take A Chance on Faith and other Lessons by Jim Carrey
"My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul." You may not know it, but Jim Carrey (yes the actor) is so full of wisdom. Yesterday, I wanted to post that quote along with a photo of myself in the store to Instagram. I posted the photo and within 10 seconds of it being online, I took it down.

Apr 23, 2019
Lisa Loves - My Morning Routine
I work with a mentor. For a year and a half, I've paid her and I've done what she suggested, almost... The one thing I wasn't doing was the Morning Routine. My belief was that it was too complicated and would take too much time in my already extremely chaotic over-stressed morning. On a call last week, while everyone else was talking about the morning routing, I admitted that I haven't been doing it at all.

Mar 08, 2019
International Women's Day - Speaking at Small Business BC
Last night, I had the privilege of speaking on a panel at Small Business BC in honour of International Women's Day. They asked us questions about how we started our businesses, mistakes we've made along the way, advice we have for other entrepreneurs, etc. but the most powerful question for me was a question about the role women have played in our entrepreneurial journey.

Nov 02, 2018
I've started giving everyone that walks into the store a blessing. It is usually a simple silent blessing (the non-religious type) that involves wishing them happiness in their day. I am not sure if the recipients of these blessings can feel them, but I certainly can.

Mar 16, 2017
A Few Things I Believe...
Inspired by Danielle's Laports's Post: I think we're obsessed with protein, and sunscreen and sameness. A few things I believe...Danielle ends her list saying that "every time we ask, What do you believe? we begin a freedom song."

Feb 22, 2017
My Journey to Shine!
I was just saying on Monday night to a friend that I always feel like I'm standing in the middle of a teeter-totter and that if I step the right way, the teeter-totter will finally tip in my favour. I always feel like I'm on the edge of discovering the secret to success in my business and one day I'll wake up and the answer will be right there waiting for me.

Jan 31, 2017
Riding the Bull!
Last weekend I went to a friend's 40th birthday party at the Yale Saloon, a country bar in Vancouver. In addition to line dancing and lots of great food and drinks there was also a motorized bull! The goal was to stay on the bull for 30 seconds which somehow was significantly harder than it seemed.